Yes, we are very proud of her and by the end of the construction of the mural, we were also very tired! Have you ever tried to maneuver a 6’ x 4’ panel of plywood covered in bottle caps and screws (very heavy) through library doors that are only 3 ½’ wide? Well, it was a challenge and a test of marital harmony as I was on one end guiding my darling husband who was on the other end walking backwards! Dear daughter, could not lift an end as she is a bit vertically challenged compared to the two of us. She was manning the doors. LOL!
I’ve posted another picture of the mural as MN Stitcher wanted to see a close up photo. Hopefully you can see a little bit better in this picture.
Beth, there aren’t any larger pictures online but you can tell your library about bottle cap art by sharing with them the link to Michele’s Stitzlein’s site at;
You can also see close-ups of other projects here and on the cover of her book and another version of the “Starry Nights” mural at the bottom of the page.
Edy, all of the bottle caps were plastic as she needed to be able to screw them onto the plywood so that they were not easily removed.
The mural has been mounted at the library and is in one of the conference rooms. The library plans on taking school and youth groups through the room as part of their education activities. In addition, the library has printed the information pamphlet written by our daughter and they have also printed the game that our daughter created to share with students and the library patrons.
What is the game that our daughter created? The mural contains one clear bottle cap in addition to the ones used for the initials. The game is to find the one clear bottle cap. This is a bit harder than it sounds as it’s not easy to find the one clear bottle cap, especially with all of the white bottle caps! :-)
Thanks for stopping by and I have some needlepoint pictures and progress to share with my next post!
Windy Meadow
I missed the first post on this, but a wonderful mural!!! Your daughter must be very proud of herself!
WOW!!! Beautiful artwork!! Congrats to dd!!
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