Sunday, February 28, 2010
“Fifteen Minutes Stitching a Day (FMSAD) - Successful!!!” -- February 28, 2010”
I am pleased to report that the FMSAD project was an outstanding success!
In some ways having three major snowstorms during February helped as we had several days off of work and school. On the other hand, we spent a lot of time digging out from all of the snow! :-)
What also helped was that there weren’t that many school and other activities scheduled for this month, so many of our week day nights were free. In addition, I spent a good bit of time stitching while watching the Olympics. I have several finished projects which I’ll be sharing with everyone over the next few days.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading each and every comment. I think it’s just amazing that my little home here in blog land is visited by people from all over the world! Wow!!!
A Slightly Snowy Windy Meadow
“Halloween Hats & Flowers Candy Cane” -- February 28, 2009

Halloween Hats & Flowers Candy Cane, #953C
Designed by Melissa Shirley Designs
Rainbow Gallery’s; Petite Very Velvet, Neon Rays, Petite Frosty Rays
Caron Collections Impressions
The second picture is of the threads that I added to my Totally Useless SAL container when I finished the Halloween Hats & Flowers Candy Cane. So these are some more threads for the December, 2009 TUSAL. Yes, I know I’m really late but once again since I took the picture I figured I would share it. LOL!
I’m so glad that you stopped by my blog!
A Lot Less Snowy Windy Meadow
Saturday, February 27, 2010
“Halloween Cat Bitty HS5772 by Heartstrings -- February 27, 2010”
I’ve been busy catching up on life and work after our series of major snow storms. I’ve also been spending a lot of my evenings watching the Olympics and doing some new stitching which I hope to share with everyone soon. I finished one small project and I’m almost done with two more!
I finished the Halloween Cat Bitty, HS5772 by Pat Thode of Heartstrings on December 28, 2010. As you all know, I just LOVE Pat’s designs so this was a fun stitch.

The second picture is of the threads that I added to my Totally Useless SAL container when I finished the Halloween Cat Bitty. So these are actually threads for the December, 2009 TUSAL. Okay, I know I’m late but since I took the picture I figured I would share it. LOL!
Totally Useless SAL
December, 2009
I’ll be back tomorrow with the second project that I finished on December 31, 2009.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you are having a fun Saturday!
A Somewhat Snowy Windy Meadow
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
“Mail Art” -- February 16, 2010”

Beth asked a while back if I would like to receive one of her mail art projects. Of course, I said Yes!
She mailed it on Saturday, February 6, 2010. It arrived here in Windy Meadow on Saturday, February 13, 2010 in perfect condition in spite of the snow storms!
As you can see it’s made out of fabric with stitching outlining the hearts and the fabric shapes. Beth added some glitter to the fabric so it just sparkles!
Beth blogs at Beth’s Needlework Stash. You can see more of her mail art pieces on her February 4, 2010 post.
Beth, thank you so much for the mail art. It is just beautiful! It has brightened things up around here as I think we are all getting tired of the white and now not so white snow. LOL!!!
Thanks for stopping by very snowy and windy Windy Meadow!
A Very Snowy and Windy Meadow
Sunday, February 14, 2010
“February, 2010’s Totally Useless SAL!” -- February 14, 2010”
Not only that, but I have three photos!
The first photo is of the orts from the January, 2010 “Happy New Year” Fortune Cookie Club offered by Fireside Stitchery.

The second photo is of the orts from the January, 2010 Christmas Lights from the 2010 Canvas of the Month Club offered by The Stitching Post.

The third photo is of the orts from the February, 2010 Christmas Lights from the 2010 Canvas of the Month Club offered by The Stitching Post.

The fourth photo is of Ortessa with her new Orts!

Hope that you are staying warm and dry in this February wintery weather!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
A Very Snowy Windy Meadow