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First finish of 2009!
I just finished the outline stitching on the Heartstrings "Bittie Pumpkin". Wahoo!!!
There was a narrow black border around the design which was stitched with black Kreinik braid. I decided that it was a little skimpy so I stitched an additional 3 stitches in black DMC braid in Basketweave all around the ornament to make the border a little bit more prominent and to aid in finishing.
I’ve been spending a lot of time doing basketweave on several projects and I hope to have a progress picture on another project for you soon!
Glad you stopped by my blog and I hope you enjoyed my stitched Heartstrings “Bittie Pumpkin” ornament!
Windy Meadow
I stitched the “Santa Golfing” stocking in the early to mid 1990’s.
At that time we were pretty much limited to DMC, Kreinik metallics, wool, and Mill Hill beads, or at least that’s what I had access to.
The entire ornament was stitched in Continental, Basketweave, and Turkeywork using either Paternayan or DMC’s Medici. The background was stitched using some sort of nylon thread/ribbon (I can’t remember what) for a light glistening look.
It’s been finished as a stocking with a green cord hanger. The backing fabric is done in green velvet and the inside of the stocking is finished with a patterned green holiday fabric.
I would have selected this design as a gift for my husband as he is an avid golfer.
I don’t have any records as to the designer. If you know, please let me know.
Hope you enjoyed my “Santa Golfing” stocking!
Windy Meadow
I’ve received several comments and emails asking where I’ve been and if everything was okay. Thanks for your concern! It’s a nice feeling to know that if I don’t comment for a while that you all are thinking of me! :-)
Everything is fine here in Windy Meadow except for Dear Daughter’s severe cold. She’s in day 5 and still pretty miserable. :-(
I spent last weekend with Dear Daughter (before she came down sick) visiting one of her college choices. This is her number 1 choice and since she’s already been accepted, we went for another visit to see if it was still number 1 on her list. We stayed down for the weekend to visit the college and to explore the local area.
The family is always laughing that wherever I go I collect people. In other words, I enjoy talking to people and hearing their stories so of course I hear lot’s of stories. For those of you who met me at the 2007 ANG Seminar, I was not at my best that week due to illness! :-(
The family also jokes that if you put Mom on a park bench, within 1 hour someone will be telling her their life story and that Mom will enjoy hearing the story! LOL!
Well, on Sunday before returning home we stopped in at the local visitor center and there we met two very lovely ladies, Maryanne and Melba. By the time we were done, we knew all about the local area and my daughter has two leads for fun jobs if she decides to attend this university and a possible date candidate! We had a great time and then we were off to visit more of the area before driving home.
Why is it as stitchers, before we go on a trip, we pack our stitching supplies and projects first??? Before heading out for our trip, I packed several projects as I thought I would have time to stitch during the two nights that we spent in the hotel. Well, actually I didn’t have time so I didn’t make any progress on my projects, but we still had lots of fun. :-)
I’ve been mainly working on stitching basketweave around several projects when I have had time to stitch, so I haven’t had too much to show in the past several weeks. Hopefully, I will have something to share soon. In the meanwhile, I think we’ll stroll down memory lane again with some of my completed projects.
I took a moment to update my blog header with a recent winter picture of Windy Meadow. This is how it usually looks during the winter. Many and varied shades of brown with a blue or gray sky! On several of the discussion lists in recent months, there have been discussions as to what colors do you think of when you think of winter. Ummm, for me it’s brown with some blue! LOL!
Yes, I do think of whites, clear blues, silvers, and other “normal” winter colors but at Windy Meadow this is what I usually see when I look out the window. :-)
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you and your loved ones are warm and healthy!
Windy Meadow